
Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners

A huge assortment of brass eyelets and fastners used for crafting or repairs. Bankrupt stock given to Jacqs (see Crezzies Hoard intro) and hoarded away for over 40 years. Weighs around 10-15 kilos in total. An excellent proposition for anyone who wants to break bulk and start a shop selling packets of, say 50 for £5.00 Delivery or collection by negotiation! Offers invited - I reckon there's around £100 worth if you fancy the work sorting & bagging!

In Clothes

Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners 1 gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i2.jpg vs gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i3.jpg
Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners 2 gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i1.jpg vs gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i3.jpg
Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners 3 gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i.jpg vs gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i3.jpg
Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners 4 gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i4.jpg vs gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i3.jpg
Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners 5 gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i5.jpg vs gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i3.jpg
Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners 6 gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i6.jpg vs gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i3.jpg
Semi - industrial collection of Brass Eyelets, rivets and fastners 7 gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i7.jpg vs gs://rummij-live/66ae4531480fa401c6debcb1-i3.jpg

Related info

This collection of brass eyelets, rivets, and fasteners is perfect for crafters and DIY enthusiasts. Eyelets are often used in garments and accessories for reinforcement, while rivets provide a strong fastening. Given the historical context of being part of bankrupt stock that has been stored for over 40 years, this item not only carries practical use but also a sense of nostalgia for those engaged in textile crafts. The potential for resale, by selling them in smaller packs, makes it a viable business opportunity for small shop owners or online resellers.

£ 4.69